
Pelomi concept

Pelomi are nocturnal creatures, which colors can vary a lot, depending on the habitat and the food the insect is consuming at the time being.

While some kinds of centipede are poisonous, Pelomi lacks of it, but its a fast and tricky creature. Normally, blue Pelomis are more active at night and live close to places with water available, while orange and pink ones appear close to houses and warm places, being active during daytime.

Even if their mandibles look small, these insects can eat hard materials, like wood, and some scientists believe that can even perforate harder surfaces, like iron or glass.

Pelomis can be found all around the year, and is often little children's hobby collecting them due to its different colors.


Kanaa concept

Kanaa are slugs with three eyes, highly smart and dangerous. These creatures can move fast and thanks to their slippery bodies, stepping on them won't kill them.

Kanaa's name comes from the native Attubippu language, and means "venom slug", because of the stinger at the end of it's body. The slug's defenses works as the bee's; once the Kanaa stings a living creature, they loose its stinger and part of its rear with it, causing the insect to lose its innards and finally die.

The venom can cause severe reactions to skin, fur or even bone, since it works as some kind of acid and burns until it looses its corrosion. There are several types of medicines in order to stop this process.

Although being a dangerous slug, Kanaa's slime is surprisingly good at healing plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables and even tree bark, contributing energy to them.


Tuttse concept

Known as one of the fluffiest and meekest insects of all, Tuttse are peaceful and rare creatures. While is common to find them out in the prairies, some of them can make their nests inside people's houses, looking for comfy clothes, like blankets and pillows nobody uses.

Despite its spiky proboscis, Tuttse can't sting or even ingest any food; they only need their proboscis, to smell and trace possible dangers against themselves.

Tuttse’s cotton balls are actually its eggs. These insects are always searching for lint on clothes in order to stick them to its body and thus, keeping its future offspring warm. Despite being an insect, they are not considered as a plague or as an annoying creature to have around, mainly because they are hard to spot (thanks to its shy nature, they are always hiding) and because they don’t leave any trace or harm their habitats. 


Alabelo concept

Alabelos are tiny and curious insects. They are always exploring the environment, looking for warm places where to start a nest.

Is known as one of the noisiest insects in the world. The bubble-like spheres that Alabelos carry on their backs are their way to protect themselves and call to other Alabelos. These spheres are known as 'scream chambers', and they can release an annoying and sharp noise, often fatal for smaller insects that are close by.

Is normal to hear that noise on Spring and Summer, since Alabelo performs it in order to scare its predators, or to call to their mate. The horn at the top of their head serves as a protection and for leaving marks on some places, thus telling other insects that that's Alabelo's territory. 


Velemoso concept

Velemoso are tiny and quirky insects. While is common to see them at night, their sweet fragance is more present at daytime.

Velemoso's wings are used by the insect in order to scare another predators and to perform a mating dance. Their antennae is the only way it has to comunicate with other insects, emiting an indetectable sound for bigger creatures.

Even with their big legs, Velemoso can't perform big jumps, but can move really fast. Farmers can tell when these insects are close, since their favoutire food are dead crops.


Caegus faces

Different versions of Caegus faces. Simple designs, those were made in order to create stickers. When a Caegus is born, the creature's face shows a pair of round shiny eyes, and that's all. After reaching their adulthoold, they gain their first and everlasting expression after experimenting a true emotion.

It is impossible for a Caegus to change that permanent face, even if the monster itself is happy, angry or sad. Also, Caegus don't need to open their mouths to talk, just for eating and defending themselves.
There are females, males and hermaphrodite Caegus.


The Hole of Losses - Concept Art

Concept for the Hole of Losses that appeared one day out of the blue. Caegus monsters kicked all the creatures out of that forest, since the hole took away the living essence of anything.


Hole of Losses - Story Beats

These are the three Story Beats from Hole of Losses.

At the first one, Samuel wakes up and discovers his mom is gone; she had never disappeared before.
At the second one, nobody at the bar believes someone as small as Samuel can hunt such a wild beast.
At the last one, Unaeh approaches Samuel after realizing he was lost.


Forest Samuel props and references - Hole of Losses

Designs for Samuel's equipment. All his stuff is small and was made especially for him, but things like the broken compass and the toy knife aren't useful for his dangerous adventure.


Forest components and plants - Hole of Losses

This is the forest where the giant hole appeared. Is also the same forest where Samuel get lost and is found by Unaeh, a female Caegus. Some of the flowers and plants are real, and some are native from that special place.


Samuel and Unaeh interactions and sizes - Hole of Losses

Unaeh finds Samuel not so far from the forest entrance. Samuel was carrying his broken compass, believing it was working.
Although afraid of Unaeh's size and cold attitude first, Samuel can gather courage and ask her to help him to find his lost foster mom. On the other side, Unaeh notices that Samuel doesn't even know what kind of creature he is, but he will be needed among others like him, in order to close the hole of losses.


Forest Samuel character development - Hole of Losses

After looking for help in vain to find his mother, Samuel prepared himself to walk into the forest and find a Caegus monsters, so he could use its useful ability.

All his clothes were especially made by his mother, since Samuel's size doesn't appear at any store due to being so small.


Caegus / Unaeh design - Hole of Losses

Designs for Caegus monsters. Caegus are known as the monsters that can find anything and anyone that's missing. Nothing can escape from Caegus's sense.

All Caegus are born without an expression or mouth (even if they don't need one in order to talk) and when they reach their adulthood (reproductive age is a different thing), their permanent expression appears after the first strong emotion they sense.

Unaeh is a female Caegus, the one that finds Samuel when he got lost on the forest. Even with her inviting smile, Unaeh can be harsh and cold, without changing her happy face at all. There's a reason for her repelent attitude towards everyone, though.


Bar development and Caegus poster props - Hole of Losses

Developments for second story beat and prop designs for Caegus Posters. Samuel is trying to catch a Caegus and thus, get to see his mother; it’s said that these monsters can find everything and everyone.


Samuel and Grelna's room / Prop design - Hole of Losses

Early development for Samuel and Grelna's room and prop design. Grelna is Samuel's mom, a nice lady from a mysterious raze. She disappeared out of the blue without a trace, thus, Samuel has to go outside and desperately look for her.


Samuel character development 2 - Hole of Losses

Some simple sprites before reaching the final stage of this character. Curious fact: because Samuel is so small in comparison to other kids with the same age, his mom tends to buy dolls’s clothes and rearrange them for Samuel to wear.


Samuel character development - Hole of Losses

Samuel is a small size 10 years old boy who is visibly troubled with the fact that other 10 yo kids are bigger than him. He knows he's different, but can't find the truth behind himself. Since his foster mom Grelna disappeared misteriously, Samuel has to embark himself into the outside world in order to find her, a place that is not made for his size.
Along the way, he's going to find a lot of answers about his size, and even more stuff he probably shouldn't know.


Arccus flower design

Arccus is the tenth flower from the Obbirek group. Undoubtedly, the rarest one. Arccus is an exotic flower, which number of specimens is only reduced to one. There are no more Arccus in the world than the one in display.

Known by names like the ‘Rainbow Flower’ and the 'Lollipop Flower’ among others, this particular specie doesn’t show any symbol of weakness going through several kinds of weather. It obviously needs water, and the scientifics and botanicals never tried to test the flower’s limits, since there are no more of the same type. The illustration couldn’t show other features so common on other Obbirek Flowers, like its roots, seed, axis or even bud, because of the lack of information and mystery surrounding Arccus.

The aroma changes everyday, and the intensity depends on the weather, adding more enigma to this flower.

Nobody wants to open the axis or the stem, much less remove the earth around it, in order to study the roots and find a clue about what kind of seed belongs to it. The real flower is located in the main hall of the famous museum Oxemmia Rek, a floral museum that treats with thousands of different flower specimens. It receives daily care, such a special fertilizer, soil and pure water and light. Is surrounded by different flowers that have one thing in common: those are neutral weather flowers.

There is a legend from the old period of the planet, telling that Arccus flowers were all over the place and were extremely useful for an extinct native race called Eriamat, since these tiny creatures could use the aroma of Arccus in order to detect an inminent change that was about to come. Scholars believe that the flower is sentient and the way it has to communicate is through its aroma. 


Ettritz flower design

Ettritz is the sixth flower inside the Obbirek group. Known as the 'Daylight Star' because of their behaviour, Ettritzes (plural for two or more) tend to open their petals when light is present, and close themselves at night.

People say there's nothing sweetest than this flower's aroma, a fragant mix of vanilla and soft candies. Ettritzes can grow naturally in caves or shady places, which is seen as an irony, since the flower needs daily light, and can't spend a whole day closed or it will die, eventually.

Some farmers succesfully tried to grow Ettritz on special gardens close to cities and open spaces. Even if the flower survived for more time, a strange mutation occurred because of the constant light pollution the Ettritzes received, turning the petals into a purplish color and changing the aroma. The pistils attract a lot of different insects, from those loved by people, like butterflies, lukop channies, vanntias and ladybugs, but also repellent ones like foloffi, flies and big wasps.

If the flower lose one of its petals naturally, it can grow another one in a matter of hours. But if the petal is ripped off, the Ettritz can die at night, since it can't cover itself properly againts predators.


Gubbi flower design

Gubbi flower is the nineth one from the Obbirek group. This flower is a simple one, yet impressive. Is often used as an example for life lessons.

Even with it’s light appearance, Gubbies are heavy flowers because of their stem and their axis, located in the middle of the flower, and hidden between a dense layer of spores. When a normal breeze or a strong wind blows, Gubbies tend to lose most of it’s camouflage, revealing the pinkish axis.

Great winds tends to move this flower’s leaves (always two), so it looks like it wants to fly away, despite its weight. This action is often represented by people as an important lesson: Gubbi flower can’t fly with the wind because of its heavy axis, but, by the frantic movement of its leaves, it seems it never stops trying.

The spores are a nuisance on Spring for people with allergies, but, ironically, those are the base for a medicine against it. 


Pruenan flower design

Pruenan flower, eighth one from the Obbirek group, is one of the most treasured flowers of all, because of their many qualities.

From aroma, to their fruits, Pruenans can easily place themselves on the top places of the list. Being an exclusive Winter flower, Pruenans can only be found on the East and West parts of the world, where low temperatures predominate. Although hardening the cold weather, these flowers are extremely delicate, so people started growing them in special greenhouses, protected from strong winds and snow.

Pruenan's petals are so soft, that just a simple physical contact will attach them to any exterior agent, thus unprotecting the two Cerenuelo fruits on the center. Those fruits are what makes this flower being so sought. If Cerenuelo fruits are cut into chunks and their jelly center is cleaned of the heart and the seeds, a magnific hot tea called 'Cerenuelo Tea' can be created.

This tea is not just something delicious, is also good for people and other species who suffer or did suffer from the cold weather outside. It helps them to regain energy and heat. Pruenan is one of the two flowers on the group whose root needs from the seed during its useful life.


Tricce flower design

Tricce is the fourth flower from the Obbirek group. Known as the 'cold flower', this kind is always present in Fall and Winter. Their stem is so strong, that there's no way to cut it with normal scissors, or even pulling it out with the hands.

The petals, on the other side, are soft and fragile, so it's common to see them flying around when the flower is ready to grow a new trio of them. People say that when twilight is comming, the fading sun's light gives these flowers an eerie glow, which can be highlighted if the flowers are in the snow.

Flower buds are hard as stones, and while the flower is blooming, no leaves are growing from the stem. Cce pollen attracts a lot of cold weather insects as Quous, Velemosos and Hyory, better known as glowing insects, so the flower can do photosynthesis thanks to this boost of light.


Nancana flower design

Nancana is the second flower from the Obbirek group. These flowers are known for cheering a lot of people, because of their smell, their simple shape and colors and the fact that only grows and lives during Spring.

Nancanas can be found arround the world, growing mostly in the wild. People say that when Nancana’s sweet smell is around, Spring just started. This flowers tends to move from side to side and up and down when a breeze blows close to it.

Nancanas grow closer to others of their kind, and can be seen inside restaurants, hospitals and houses. Giving a Nancana to somebody, tells that person that you care about their happiness.

The roots can be collected too, and if mashed and processed correctly with lots of water, a special liquid can be created, in order to watering other Obbirek flowers and help with their growth.


Aselí flower design

Aselí, known as the seventh flower inside the Obbirek group, is also called the 'Sunset Flower', because of their beautiful colors and the places where it normally grows.

These flowers can be found between the end of Summer and the beggining of Autumn, and they bloom in open spaces, like tall hills and big fields. Aselíes spend all day and night closed, and only open their petals for a brief moment on the sunset.
Their name comes from Aselíanda, which means 'dance' in Attubippu language, and that is because these flowers move gently from side to side when a light breeze blows, like if they were dancing.

People say Aselí's aroma is always different, and varies from person to person. Everybody agrees that evokes something melancholic and bittersweet, like happy and sad memories. If the flower is in it's mature state, the seeds can be safely collected and used to prepare a special sweet dough, often used with bread at breakfast.


Knomellia flower design

Knomellia is the third flower from the Obbirek group. These flowers are a strong kind, and often sought because of their beautiful colors and aroma, which are said to be good for cheering sad people.

Knomellia’s flower buds appear at the beggining of the Spring and bloom when Summer is almost over, just in time to survive the cold weather. Even with their delicate shape, Knomellias are strong flowers, and can live for a long time. When a Knomellia is ready to start the wilting process, the petals in the middle opens and two kinds of seeds can be ‘fired’ from the flower, in order to start a new cycle.

One of them will be fertile and have a special petal, made to help the seed traveling far away thanks to the winds at the end of the Summer; the other one, often called ‘vitaseed’, will fall next to the dying Knomellia, and soon will start to grow singular roots, passing more vitality to the flower from which it came from.

Knomellia’s aroma is strong, but is a good idea to use one or two different flowers next to it, in order to create a delicious mix. This particular flower can be found only in the south part of the world.


Melteppia Flower design

Melteppia is the fifth flower from the Obbirek group. Considered as one of the most simples, Melteppias can be found on different of places around the world.

Since is not a flower suitable for cold weather, it’s only possible to find them on Spring and especially Summer. The little petals can be picked in order to prepare a special tea that can help in calming some aches like headache, backache and stomach ache.

Roots are a prefered snack among many monsters, Iquetalas and animals. This flower is particular about its care. Is not possible to grow one at home, or even at some greenhouses; it seems that just makes the flower die faster.

Melteppias are often used as decoration on Summer festivals, and although the flower itself doesn’t smell at all, its yellowish color is loved among people for its simplicity.


Helflon Flower design

Helflon is the last flower from the Obbirek group. Considered one of the most beautiful and graceful flowers, this one tends to imitate a butterfly when wind blows.

Since the petals are so fragile, they can easily fly away from the stem, and new ones will grow two more times, before the flower dies, eventually. Helflons are very popular among children, since they have fun playing with the petals, just like dandelions. This flower’s smell is sweet and soft, often used as base for many perfumes. Helflon’s black pollen is an important ingredient for black honey’s preparation.

Even being so fragile, Helflons can be seen around the world, no matter the weather’s temperature: only rain can destroy them.


Maranjo Flower design

Maranjo is a flower from the Obbirek group. This group is form by beautiful flowers, often described by its delicious aroma, special seeds or even their attractive color and shape.

Maranjos are easy to find on prairies, close to some forests and specially on the north part of the continents, when Spring is about to come.

If this flower is plucked, it can live up to four weeks without a root, but it will need water and light, eventually. Maranjo's aroma is a sign that Spring is close, according to a lot of people. It's smells like a fresh mix of oranges, lemons and kinda citric. Is the first flower from the group.


Lukop Channie concept

Lukop Channie are harmless and beautiful insects. It’s not possible to find them in cold seasons, but in Spring.

Lukop Channie’s life cycle differ from common caterpillar, since the larvae are similar to tadpoles, only in smaller size. Those start their lifes in the water and jump for instinct, since after two weeks, the wings are going to grow.

The two sides of a Lukop Channie think like one brain, so they don’t have any trouble when a desicion have to be made. Their flight pattern is something interesting and appealing to the view, since these insects fly in circles, in order to mix themselves with fallen flowers and fool their predators.

There are a lot of different patterns on Lukop Channie’s wings, all of them simulating an existing flower, depending on the zone where the insect is living.


Kesterao concept N1

Kesterao are known for being one of the most beautiful monsters, and for representing the beauty, even in small creatures. While their patterns and color stay the same for all the species, people say their marvellous song vary from one to another, and that's the way they have to comunicate each other.

Sadly, these monsters are endangered due to indiscriminate hunting, because of it's valuable feathers. The females are more striking than males, but males are the ones who lay the eggs. Kesterao species can tolerate any weather, but they preffer a neutral place, not too hot, not too cold.

Their small size makes them irresistible to hunters like cats, dogs and even small children. They flight pattern is fun to see, since these birds always fly in zigzag or in circles.


Dedalo concept

Dedalos are one of the most curious and wonderful insects. While their shells are always colored in a pale white, their bodies stay transparent, making these insects totally invisible.

Dedalo's most impressive feat is the fact that, holding one in your hand and closing its shell, will make you disappear. The latter is useful for this insect in order to escape from their natural predators. The only food a Dedalo can ingest is water, since eating other kinds of food or even colored water, can ruin their defence mechanism, making them extremely vulnerable against anything.

Its almost imposible to find a Dedalo, since they move alone, they are nomads and only move in the night. These kind of insect never makes any specific sound.


Vanntia insect

Vanntia insect design.

Vanntia are beloved insects among people, especially on Spring, where they can create a delicious aroma, while looking for a mating partner. Their size is relatively small, and their natural preys can be driven right to them, thanks to their famous aroma.
Vanntia's diet consist on small insects, specifically those who threaten domestic houses, known as home plague.

The patterns on the top of their primary wings helps them confusing most of their potential predators. People loves to seat at night and observe them planning around (these insects can not fly), since the patterns tend to glow naturally, and they never close the main wings.

Even if Vanntia can't fly, they are natural-born jumpers, like fleas. They can do this thanks to the two little leggs at the end of their bodies.



Heda & Hurah concept N1

Heda and Hurah are monsters based on mutualism. Each one depends deeply on the other one in order to survive.

Heda (the one who resembles a camel) is common to find on deserts and jungles. While Hedas are useful for transporting people and freight, their hump is covered in a special oil, which attracts a lot of insects among Muhnmu and Foloffi, hurting and causing infections on Heda. Since Heda’s diet doesn’t consist on insects, Hurah appears.

Hurah (the bird) is always seen close to Heda. Hurah’s diet is based only on insects, so it’s too common to see a Heda walking slowly while being surrounded by one Hurah.

Since these two monsters’s relationship is so crucial for their lifespans, natives took their shapes and created the letter H, representing dependence and tolerance.


Muhnmu concept

Muhnmu are odd insects. While their food consist of sugared water, they love to bite at people if they get closer.

Due to it’s resemblance with peaches, and their mastery to hide their legs and face, it’s super easy to mistake them as real fruit. While peach-shaped Muhnmu are well known, these insects can adapt and take form under other kinds of sweet fruits, like strawberries, plums and others.

Muhnmu are not edible, but in Spring, these insects secretes a sweet liquid, that people can use to make delicious sugar free candies.